Shale shakers, often referred to as “oilfield shakers’ in the industry. Shale shakers are part of a Solids control System used in oil and gas drilling operations to Separate the Solid material removed from the well bore. Cuttings, referred to as “solids”, by the drilling operations from the drilling fluid, commonly referred to as “mud”.
One-Step Solids-Control Technique
A simple and economical surface solids control method to complement the downhole systems becomes necessary when we desire to reduce viscosity, yield point, gel strength, total solids, concentration of drilled solids, and low micron-size material. This aim will be achieved when we are able to partially reject the undesirable materials from the drilling fluid system.
Mud Cleaners
A mud cleaner is a combination of desanders and/or desilters to remove drilled solids from mud. -wiki
Mud cleaners can be leased, rented, purchased as independent units, or assembled on location. When mud cleaners were invented in 1971, main shale shakers on drilling rigs were either unbalanced elliptical or circular motion machines.
What Is A Shale
what is a shale? it’s quite an important question depending on which geologist you speak to. You’ll get a different answer. But in a very basic sense: shale is mud stone. The mud that has been compressed over a thousands or millions of years and been turned into stone.