what is a shale? it’s quite an important question depending on which geologist you speak to. You’ll get a different answer. But in a very basic sense: shale is mud stone. The mud that has been compressed over a thousands or millions of years and been turned into stone.
Shale Shaker And Dual Deck Shaker
The basic function of the Shale Shaker is to provide primary solids removal from both oil based mud (OBM) and water based mud (WBM) during drilling operations.
Use of Rotating Separators as an Alternative to Shale Shakers
The rotating separator process is based on a different principle than the shale shaker process. The mud line flow is fed into the slowly rotating separator. The drilling fluid contaminated with drilled cuttings is fed into the centre of a screen coated drum as shown schematically in Fig. 1. The outside of the drum is connected to an under-pressurised ventilation system.
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Criticality Testing of Shale Shaker (3)
As a result of differences in the design of shale shakers and front hoods/enclosures, it was difficult to test all shakers within the exact same parameters. It was determined that each shaker had to be tested as dictated by the differences in design of each unit (Fig. 10).